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  • Educational Materials | Adventist Nutrition

    Educational Materials Brain Boost English Español Português Sweetened Beverages English Español Português Heart Smart English Español Português Are Vegetarian Diets Adequate for Growing Children? English Cruciferous Vegetables Español English Português Keto Diet English Vegetarian MyPlate

  • Meet the Team

    Calendario de eventos Los Rostros de ANDIA John E Gobble, DrPH, RDN, LD, FACLM, MCHES Presidente Primer Vicepresidente Tia Jeffery, PhD, RDN, CHES Segundo Vicepresidente Liesbeth Fernandez, MS, RDN, FAND Secretaria Gwendolyn Chancy, MSN Asistente Secretaria Elí Aguilar Marín RD Tesorera Joycelyn Peterson, DrPH, MPH, RDN Presidente del Comité de Nominaciones Carol Barnes Reid, DrPH, RDN, CHES Presidente asistente del comité de nominaciones Cátedra de Educación Nutricional Asistente de educación nutricional Jasmine Westerdahl, RDN Directora de Comunicación Shyenne Cole, MS Assistant Communications Director Editora de boletines Sherine Brown-Fraser, PhD, RD Editora asistente del boletín Arlene Moreno, MS, RDN Administradora de página web Edward Bitok, DrPH, MS, RD President -2021 John Westerdahl, PhD, MPH, RDN, CNS, FAND, DipACLM President - 2022 Abigail Clarke-Bitok,PhD., MPH, RD President - 2023

  • About | Adventist Nutrition and Dietetics International Association

    Sobre Nosotros NUESTRA HISTORIA The Seventh-Adventist Dietetics Association (SDADA) was founded in 1954 by 34 SDA dietitians. It was the first denominational professional dietetics organization in the USA. With a membership of over 340 Seventh-day Adventists, this organization successfully produced its first motion picture in 1963, published several nutrition-related publications, and over 16,000 copies of recipe booklets and other publications. However, unfortunately, after several years of booming success, this organization became defunct. Past Leaders of SDADA Left to Right: Paul Damazo (Founder of SDADA), Millie Kurtz (Former President of SDADA), Fonda Chaffee (Founder of SDADA), Irma Vyhmeister (Former President of SDADA), Alice Marsh (Founder of SDADA), Ethel Wall (for Clinton Wall, founder of SDADA) La Asociación Internacional de Nutrición y Dietética Adventista (ANDIA), anteriormente llamada Asociación Dietética Adventista del Séptimo Día (SDADA), es una organización compuesta por profesionales de la nutrición de todo el mundo. El objetivo de esta organización es servir a la iglesia y la misión para la evangelización a través de vivir y enseñar su mensaje de salud único con énfasis en la nutrición y las conductas alimentarias saludables. La primera organización (SDADA) fue fundada en 1954 por 34 dietistas adventistas del séptimo día y se convirtió en la primera organización confesional de dietética profesional en los EE. UU. Esta organización tuvo mucho éxito, produjo su primera película en 1963 y publicó varias publicaciones relacionadas con la nutrición. En 2018, se decidió revivir la organización que había experimentado una breve pausa. Se decidió que el nombre debería cambiarse a Asociación Internacional Adventista de Nutrición y Dietética, para reflejar el enfoque global de la organización. Nutrición y Dietética Adventista del Séptimo Día: Líderes pioneros en nutrición vegetariana Por Jasmine Westerdahl, BS, RDN y John Westerdahl PhD, MA, MPH, RDN, CNS, RAND, DipACLM La Asociación Internacional de Dietética y Nutrición Adventista (ANDIA), anteriormente llamada Asociación Dietética Adventista del Séptimo Día (SDADA), es una organización compuesta por profesionales de la nutrición de todo el mundo. Con sus inicios que se remontan a 1954, esta organización ha priorizado los avances en la profesión de la nutrición y la dietética a través de la investigación, la educación y la capacitación, y el alcance comunitario de acuerdo con la filosofía y las enseñanzas de la salud de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día. Estas enseñanzas están de acuerdo con la referencia de la Biblia a la dieta original de Dios para la humanidad que se encuentra en Génesis 1:29: “Entonces Dios dijo: 'Te doy toda planta que da semilla sobre la faz de toda la tierra y todo árbol que da fruto semilla en ella. Serán tuyos para comer '”(NVI). Elena G. de White (1827-1915), una de las líderes fundadoras de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día y una prolífica escritora cristiana, escribió sobre un conjunto diverso de temas; un libro en particular, El Ministerio de Curación, incluye un capítulo titulado “Dieta y salud”. En este capítulo, White detalla puntos específicos como: “Los cereales, las frutas, las nueces y las verduras constituyen la dieta elegida para nosotros por nuestro Creador. Estos alimentos, preparados de la manera más simple y natural posible, son los más saludables y nutritivos ". (pág.295-296). “Las nueces y los alimentos a base de nueces se están utilizando en gran medida para reemplazar a las carnes. Con las nueces se pueden combinar granos, frutas y algunas raíces, para hacer alimentos que sean saludables y nutritivos ”(p. 299) “Para mantener la salud, se necesita un suministro suficiente de alimentos buenos y nutritivos” (p. 300) La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día ha recibido reconocimiento mundial en los medios de comunicación por su liderazgo en el estudio de la nutrición. La iglesia y la población de miembros han aparecido en historias en medios de comunicación como CNN , The Oprah Winfrey Show y muchos otros. En la edición de marzo de 1984 de The Saturday Evening Post, la revista reconoció la larga historia de la Iglesia Adventista en nutrición, declarando: “Probablemente ningún otro movimiento religioso, antiguo o moderno, ha puesto mayor énfasis en la dieta y la nutrición que la Iglesia Adventista de los Setenta días ”. El mensaje de salud de la iglesia jugó un papel importante en el desarrollo global de la profesión dietética. Desde el establecimiento de cientos de instituciones educativas (escuelas secundarias, colegios y universidades), hospitales y centros de salud, junto con decenas de miles de iglesias (a nivel mundial) que promueven un estilo de vida vegetariano, así como el desarrollo de productos alimenticios vegetarianos y Con una extensa investigación científica sobre el estado de salud de la población adventista del séptimo día, la iglesia adventista ha realizado contribuciones significativas en el campo de la alimentación y la nutrición. Existe una gran cantidad de historia y conocimiento sobre la Iglesia Adventista y el trabajo pionero que se ha realizado en el campo de la nutrición y la dietética. Un artículo completo publicado en la revista Religions presenta un panorama extenso de este trabajo a escala global. Para acceder a este artículo, visite . En 1917, Lenna Francis Cooper, Dietista Principal del Sanatorio Adventista del Séptimo Día de Battle Creek cofundó la Asociación Dietética Estadounidense (ahora conocida como Academia de Nutrición y Dietética). Hoy, esta Academia es reconocida como la organización de profesionales de la alimentación y la nutrición más grande del mundo. Históricamente, Cooper ha sido reconocido como pionero en el campo de la nutrición y dietética vegetariana. Como dietista jefe del sanatorio, trabajó para desarrollar menús de terapia de nutrición médica vegetariana para los pacientes y visitantes de la institución. Además, Cooper fue decana de la Escuela de Economía Doméstica del Sanatorio, donde supervisó el primer programa de educación dietética adventista. La nutrición vegetariana fue la base de este plan de estudios. Más de 500 dietistas se graduaron del programa dietético de Battle Creek mientras estaba bajo su liderazgo. Para leer más sobre la memorable historia de Lenna Francis Cooper y el programa de nutrición y dietética en el Sanatorio de Battle Creek, visite . La Asociación Internacional Adventista de Nutrición y Dietética (ANDIA) continúa con la rica herencia del trabajo de la Iglesia Adventista en la profesión de la salud de la nutrición y la dietética. Con su nuevo nombre (formalmente Asociación Dietética Adventista del Séptimo Día [SDADA]) y su revitalizada misión y visión de futuro para el siglo XXI, ANDIA avanza en su misión de nutrición para continuar el ministerio sanador de Jesucristo. Referencias White, EG (1942). El Ministerio de Curación. Pub de prensa del Pacífico. Asociación. Banta, J., Lee, J., Hodgkin, G., Yi, Z., Fanica, A. y amp; Sabate, J. (2018). La influencia global de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día en la dieta. Religiones, 9 (9), 251. Westerdahl, J. (2020, 16 de enero). La cofundadora de la academia Lenna Frances Cooper: pionera en nutrición y dietética vegetariana.

  • Membership Renewal | Adventist Nutrition

    Membership Renewal The Adventist Nutrition and Dietetics International Association (formerly the Seventh-day Adventist Dietetic Association) is an organization of nutrition professionals from across the globe. The aim of this organization is to serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its mission for evangelism, through living and teaching with an emphasis on nutrition and healthy eating behaviors. First Name Last Name Personal Email Work / School Email Region of Residence Other Code Phone Date of Birth Classification of Membership * Active Member - $25 Associate Member - $25 Retired Member - $10 Life Membership - $500 Affiliate/Friend of ANDIA - $25 Select all that apply DTR RD/RDN Other Other Select your area of focus * Clinical Research Community Institution of higher learning Other Other Areas Select all academic credentials that apply BS BA MS MBA PhD DrPH EdD DCN MD MPH Other Other Academics Upload PDF File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Register

  • New Membership | Adventist Nutrition

    New Member Registration The Adventist Nutrition and Dietetics International Association (formerly the Seventh-day Adventist Dietetic Association) is an organization of nutrition professionals from across the globe. The aim of this organization is to serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its mission for evangelism, through living and teaching with an emphasis on nutrition and healthy eating behaviors. First Name Last Name Personal Email Work / School Email Region of Residence Other Code Phone Date of Birth Classification of Membership * Active Member - $25 Associate Member - $25 Retired Member - $10 Life Membership - $500 Affiliate/Friend of ANDIA - $25 Select all that apply DTR RD/RDN Other Other Select your area of focus Clinical Research Community Institution of higher learning Other Other Areas Select all academic credentials that apply BS BA MS MBA PhD DrPH EdD DCN MD MPH Other Other Academics Upload PDF File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Register

  • Publicaciones | Adventist Nutrition

    Materiales educativos Educational Materials Newsletter Recipes Videos/Webinars Academic Nutrition Programs Spring newsletter just came out!

  • Boletin Informativo | Adventist Nutrition

    Boletin Informativo ANDIA Newsletter – Volume 3 Number 1 Featured in this Issue ANDIA President Dr. Abigail Clarke, discusses ANDIA’s achievements for this year and invites members to attend the upcoming virtual Health and Nutrition Symposium. Dr. John Westerdahl shares excerpts from John Harvey Kellog’s booklet on “Rules for Right Living” with readers. Read a synopsis of Dr. Don Hall’s webinar on how some foods can be used to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Evenly Kissinger shares her mouthwatering “cake” recipe. Margarete Collions talks about what sparked her interest in nutrition and some of the recent achievements in her career. Learn more about the upcoming Virtual Health and Nutrition Symposium happening in October 2023. Archive ANDIA Newsletter – Volume 2 Number 3 Featured in this Issue ANDIA President, Dr. John Westerdahl, shares his gratitude for ANDIA members. Step back in time and learn about some turkey-alternative recipes created at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Bert Connell, PhD, RD, FADA, LD, shares scientific insight on the Total Raw Food Diet. Dr. John Westerdahl shares recipes that can be enjoyed with family this Thanksgiving. Godknows Mujinda, MSc, PGDE, BSc, speaks about the nutrition science and nutrition & dietetics program at Solusi University in Zimbabwe. Winston Craig, PhD, MPH, shares information on the nutritive value of dried fruits and nuts, a holiday favorite. ANDIA’s Student Ambassador, Angel Smith, talks about what sparked her interest in nutrition, and her involvement in ANDIA. Read about ANDIA’s First Dinner at FNCE 2022, and learn more about upcoming webinars and running for ANDIA Office in 2023. ANDIA Newsletter – Volume 2 Number 2 Featured in this Issue ANDIA President, Dr. John Westerdahl, speaks about how you can become an ANDIA Ambassador. Learn about the importance of temperance and simplicity in diet. Esther Selman, B. Sc. (Hons), MPH, CVFI, highlights the importance of breastfeeding. Lucia Chavez, nutrition and dietetic student, shares her delicious Lentil Chocolate Brownies. Martha Ravinovic, RDN, speaks about the nutrition and dietetics program at the River Plate Adventist University in Argentina. Theresa Page, nutrition and dietetic intern, shares why she has decided to become a dietitian. Find out more about how to invite your colleagues and friends to become an ANDIA member. ANDIA Newsletter- Volume 2 Number 1 ​ Featured in this Issue ANDIA President, Dr. John Westerdahl, shares his goals and vision for the organization. Learn about Adventist nutrition professor, Dr. U.D. Register, and his work with NASA to design the diet for space travel to Mars. Angela Vince Saunders, MA, RD shares how canned foods can be beneficial in the diet. Davina Gayle-Harris shares her delicious Italian-Style Green Banana Alfredo. Claudette Mitchell, PhD, RD highlights the recent achievements of the nutrition and dietetics program at the University of the Southern Caribbean. Chef Cory Gheen speaks about his career path in dietetics. Find out more about renewing your ANDIA membership for 2022 and the latest upcoming webinar series. Meet our elected officers for 2022 and get to know a little more about them. ANDIA Newsletter – Volume 1 Number 4 Featured in this Issue: ​ The first President of ANDIA, Edward Bitok, DrPH, RDN, bids farewell as his term as president comes to an end. Former Chair of Vegetarian NutritionNutrition Practice group, John Westerdahl, Ph.D., MA, MPH, RDN, FAND, and DipACLM, provides information regarding Adventist's historical legacy in nutrition and dietetics. Kristie LeBeau, MPH, RD, RN, Abigail Clarke, MPH, RD, and Rita Amen, MPH, presents current evidence on the impact of the holidays on persons living with chronic diseases such as diabetes and provides practical suggestions for patients and clients during the holidays. Dietetic Internship Director, Sherri Isaak, MS, RD, CDCES, BC-ADM, DipACLM, highlights the recent achievements of the nutrition and dietetics program at Andrews University in Michigan, USA. Lael Agard and Shelby Huse, Nutrition and Dietetic students at Andrews University, share a delicious Apple Crisp recipe. Helda Mailoa, SST., MM., RD, Head of the Nutrition Department at Bandung Adventist Hospital in Indonesia, speaks about her career path within dietetics and her vision for the field of nutrition and dietetics. Find our more about renewing your ANDIA membership for 2022. ANDIA Newsletter – Volume 1 Number 3 Featured in this Issue: The President of ANDIA, Edward Bitok, DrPH, RDN, announces upcoming Fall events. Former Chair of Vegetarian Nutrition Practice group, John Westerdahl, Ph.D., MA, MPH, RDN, FAND, and DipACLM, provides information regarding Adventist's historical legacy in nutrition and dietetics. Winston Craig, Ph.D., MPH, presents the nutritional content and health benefits of different non-dairy plant-based beverages . Joycelyn Peterson, DrPH, MPH, RDN, shares a delicious nut milk recipe containing 8 grams of protein, and Nutrition and Dietetic student Ms. Malerie Horsford, shares her tropical plant-based non-dairy drink recipe . Department Chair and Dietetic Internship Director, Vinola Richards, MA, RDN, highlights the nutrition and dietetics programs offered at Northern Caribbean University . Fiona Lewis, DrPH, MPH, RDN, LDN, speaks about her career path within dietetics, and her vision for the field of nutrition and dietetics. Find out more about our upcoming Plant-Based Nutrition Webinar Series. ANDIA Newsletter - Volume 1 Number 2 ​ Featured in this Issue: The President of ANDIA, Edward Bitok, DrPH, RDN, reflects on the achievements of ANDIA during the past 5 months. Former Chair of Vegetarian Nutrition Practice group, John Westerdahl, Ph.D., MA, MPH, RDN, FAND, and DipACLM, provides information regarding Adventist's historical legacy in nutrition and dietetics. Angela Sanders, MA, RD, debunks popular myths associated with plant-based vegetarian diets. The Five Nutrition Programs offered by the Loma Linda University are highlighted by Celine Heskey, MS, DrPH, RDN, and Edward Bitok, DrPH, RDN. Ms. Liesbeth Fernandez shares her experience doing missionary work in Peru during the pandemic. Marle Alvarenga, MD, Ph.D., RD, discusses her work as Eating Disorder Specialist in Brazil. Ms. Ellen Azevedo, RD, shares her mouth-watering gluten-free quinoa nuggets. Joy Kauffman shares how her organization, FARM STEW, is combating food insecurity in countries in Africa. Find out more about our upcoming on Plant-Based Nutrition Webinar Series. Boletín ANDIA - Volumen 1 Número 1 Destacado en este número: El primer presidente de ANDIA, Edward Bitok, DrPH, RDN, comparte sus objetivos y visión para la organización. El ex presidente del grupo de Práctica de Nutrición Vegetariana, John Westerdahl, Ph.D., MA, MPH, RDN, FAND y DipACLM, proporciona información sobre el legado histórico de los adventistas en nutrición y dietética. Winston, Craig, Ph.D., MPH, analiza los beneficios de comer semillas como la chía, la quinua y el sésamo. La presidenta departamental y profesora del Departamento de Nutrición y Dietética de la Universidad de Oakwood, Sherine Brown-Fraser, Ph.D., RDN, destaca los logros recientes del programa de nutrición y dietética de la Universidad de Oakwood en Alabama. La Sra. Joanne Beverley Edwards Miller, RDN, analiza el éxito de la coalición "Let's Move Kelowna" (LMK) en Columbia Británica, Canadá. Stacia Whittaker, MPH, RDN, habla sobre su trabajo como dietista en Barbados . Joycelyn Peterson, DrPH, MPH, RDN, comparte su sabrosa receta vegana sin gluten . Otras características: Conoce a nuestros agentes ne WLY elegidos y conocer un poco más sobre ellos. Obtenga más información sobre nuestro próximo seminario web el 14 de marzo de 2021.

  • Programas de Nutricion | Adventist Nutrition

    Adventist Academic Nutrition Programs Loma Linda University continues to be a leader in nutrition research and education. Guided by the University’s motto “TO MAKE MAN WHOLE”, the academic programs offered across two schools are designed to graduate competent nutrition & dietetics professionals who are prepared to go into the world and further the healing and teaching ministry of Jesus Christ. ​ The School of Public Health continues to build on its rich history of plant-based nutrition research by engaging in interdisciplinary research across public health disciplines and the Basic Sciences. This collaborative way of working assures that the school continues to promote and build on its core legacy of vegetarian and plant-based nutrition. Guided by its Nutrition faculty, the School of Public Health hosts the International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition (ICVN), the premiere scientific conference on the health effects of plant-based diets held every 5 years. ​ The School of Allied Health Professions offers Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree programs that lead to professional careers. Graduates are prepared to be registration eligible; and upon passing boars, be employed as clinical dietitians in hospitals and as directors of healthcare and school food service facilities. Some own private practices, offering consulting services to long-term care facilities, sports teams, and other venues. Coordinated Program in Nutrition & Dietetics The CP in Nutrition and Dietetics is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). A CP includes both the lecture-based coursework and 1,200 hours of supervised practice required by ACEND. Upon completion of a CP, the graduate is eligible to take the boards (RD exam) to become a Registered Dietitian (RD/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). Five Coordinated Program options are available at Loma Linda University. BS in Nutrition & Dietetics – Entry occurs at the beginning of the junior year of college. To be eligible for admission, the applicant must have completed a minimum of 96 quarter units at an accredited college or university. Bachelor of Science + Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics – Entry Level occurs at the beginning of the junior year of college. Students complete the BS portion (two years) and immediately enter the MS portion (one year). MS in Nutrition & Dietetics (prior BA/BS degree) – This program is for persons with an earned bachelor’s degree in a field other than nutrition, and international students. MPH in Nutrition with a Coordinated Program in Dietetics – This program’s area of emphasis is public health nutrition. The supervised practice hours include a 400-hour public health practicum that provides an opportunity for students to be involved in projects with a long-lasting impact on a local, regional, and/or international community. Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (post-Didactic Program in Dietetics) – This program is for persons who have completed an ACEND-accredited DPD program. Other Nutrition Programs MS in Plant-based Nutrition (Online) – This is a competency-based program developed in direct response to the increasing demand (registered dietitians and other health care professionals) for a graduate curriculum focused on plant-based nutrition. ​ ​ PhD in Nutrition – The program is designed to provide an advanced curriculum in nutrition, professional skills, and competencies required to support careers in teaching and research. The Oakwood University Department of Nutrition and Dietetics offers a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, a Distance Dietetic Internship Program (DIP), and a Masters in Public Health (MPH) within the School of Nursing and Health Professions. The BS in Dietetics and Dietetic Internship Programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). Our undergraduate program prepares students with the foundational knowledge and skills to be a member of health care teams with the ability to address the nutritional needs in health and disease of a multi-cultural society for service to God and humanity. Our students apply knowledge form physiology, biochemistry, and chemistry to understand digestion of food, absorption and use of nutrients by the body at different stages of life, and the effects of nutrient deficiencies and excesses. They also draw on the social sciences to understand the socio-cultural, psychological, economic, and political factors influencing choices of food. We seek to prepare our students in the BS, Dietetics program to enter the Dietetic Internships to become Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) as clinicians studying the relationship between diet and chronic disease. We also seek to prepare our students with training in public health nutrition, monitoring nutritional content of the American food supply, helping to alleviate nutritional problems throughout the world, and work with other health professionals in promoting health and well-being for people of all ages. Interns are highly encouraged to enter the MPH program.

  • Donate | Adventist Nutrition

    Apoya nuestra causa La Asociación Internacional Adventista de Nutrición y Dietética (ANDIA) es una organización que tiene como objetivo conectar a los profesionales adventistas de nutrición y dietética en todo el mundo y promover la profesión a través de la investigación, la educación y la divulgación. Sus donaciones se destinarán a ayudar a promover la misión de esta organización. Las donaciones recibidas se utilizarán para: Las actividades de ANDIA Becas para estudiantes Costos de publicación Alcance de actividades Donate Now Help us make a difference First Name Last Name Email Donate in the name of Address Enter the amount you wish to pay: $ Donate Thank you! We appreciate your donation! Los cheques se pueden enviar por correo a: Asociación Internacional Adventista de Nutrición y Dietética C / O Departamento de Nutrición y Dietética 24951 North Circle Drive, Nichol Hall A111, Loma Linda, California 92350 Esperamos contar con su continuo apoyo a nuestra organización.

  • Galeria | Adventist Nutrition

    Calendario de eventos Los Rostros de ANDIA ANDIA at FNCE

  • Home | Adventist Nutrition and Dietetics International Association

    Bienvenidos! A Associacion Adventista Internacional de Nutrición & Diet ética Nuestra Misión Conectar a los profesionales de la nutrición y la dietética a nivel mundial y promover la profesión a través de la investigación, la educación y la divulgación de acuerdo con la filosofía y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día.

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